At the London Centre of Trichology we are experts in diagnosing, treating and preventing male and female hair loss. In this section of our site, we provide free hair loss articles to help our visitors understand some of the common reasons for male and female hair loss.
If you have a hair loss problem, come and visit us for a free hair loss consultation. We can then diagnose your particular form of hair loss, and advice on the best course of treatment.
Male and Female Hair Loss – contact us now to arrange your free hair loss consultation from our central London clinic.
Male and female alopecia induced by tooth infection
In previous articles we have discussed the links between trauma and stress and hair loss and also invasive surgery or accident and hair loss. We have also provided information on genetic hair loss in men and women, and the links between hair loss and vitamin deficiency. It is also possible that hair loss can be caused by tooth decay.
Alopecia is an ailment affecting hair loss across both men and women. It is recognisable as bald patches developing on the scalp or body. The cause of this affliction is not yet fully understood, but it is believed to be linked to issues arising in the immune system. Issues such as bodily infection are believed to have an affect, in that as a result of infection, increased numbers of white blood cells or leukocytes are produced. These leukocytes gather together to fight the infection but some of them start to attack the local hair follicles as well. These attacks lead to follicular damage and their subsequent inability to grow hair.
This results in alopecia, which usually manifests, close to the infected area. Male sufferers will note that an infection of the upper front teeth for example, will often result in a loss of hair in their moustache. Infections in the lower front teeth will similarly result in bald patches in the beard of the chin. An upper molar infection, in males or females, may result in sudden hair loss at the left or right temporal region, depending on which side is of the mouth is infected. Eyebrows, lower scalp and neck areas can also be affected in this way.
There is some good news however, alopecia induced by infection is not normally permanent, it can usually be treated and reversed but key to this, is acting on the infection before the leukocytes have had time to do any irreversible damage. Part of a dentist’s training now includes looking for signs of sudden hair loss including bald patches in the moustache and beard or around the neck. In women, the signs of this form of alopecia will manifest at the temples, along the hairline and also around the neck area.
In most cases, oral infection induced alopecia will start to clear up once the infection has been treated or the bad tooth has been removed, but it must be remembered, that follicular recovery is a slow process and it can take up to six months for complete regrowth to occur.
If you begin to notice alopecia or if sudden bald patches occur in the prone areas mentioned above, a visit to the dentist may be well advised, even if you are not currently experiencing any pain.
If you are suffering from hair loss or alopecia, contact us today for a free hair loss diagnosis at our central London clinic.
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