Surveys are increasingly suggesting that more and more younger men are seeking treatment for hair loss problems.
Losing hair can be distressing, as it can damage your self-esteem, particularly if it affects you at a particularly young age. Losing hair is often seen as part of the ageing process, and is typically an issue for men aged over 40 or 50. However, figures suggest as many as three in ten 30-year-olds have some degree of hair loss, and this can even affect boys who are still in their teens.
Fortunately, there is no reason to get unduly worried, because help is available from the team of fully qualified experts at London Centre of Trichology. If you notice that your hairline is starting to recede, or your hair is falling out in unusual patches and not replacing itself, having a men’s hair loss consultation as soon as possible is a good idea. This will offer the best chances of successful treatment.
Here we look at some of the reasons why younger men might be noticing hair loss, and what can be done about it.
Male Pattern Baldness
The principal reason why men’s hair starts to thin due to male pattern baldness, or male pattern alopecia or androgenetic alopecia as it is sometimes known. Hair can thin on top and the hairline can recede. If this continues unchecked, or untreated, then a man can sometimes end up completely bald. This type of hair loss is largely passed on from generation to generation, from the female side as well as the male. The greater the frequency of it in the family, the more likely it is to affect younger men.
Although men’s hair loss is usually kick-started by hereditary factors, there is plenty of medical evidence to suggest that it can also be caused or made worse by factors which we do have control over.
Lifestyle and Health
Hair is like any other part of your body; it needs treating with care and respect. If you have an unhealthy diet, possibly caused by a fast-paced lifestyle, then this might be reflected in your hair too. If you don’t eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, plus vitamins and iron-rich food such as red meat, seafood and beans, then you are more at risk of hair condition suffering. Also, smoking reduces oxygen levels and hampers blood flow, both of which can damage your hair.
Another factor among younger men could be stress-related hair loss. Anxieties over exams, jobs or money can drive the body to produce more male hormones called androgens, which in turn increases the production of the hair loss-causing chemical DHT. Good stress management techniques can help bring this kind of problem under control.
If you are taking a prescription drug for another medical condition, then early-onset hair loss could be a side-effect. If you think it could be a contributory factor then talk to your GP. Our trichologists will also advise you if it is a good idea to seek medical advice.
Change of Hairstyle
As well as improving your diet and lifestyle, there are a number of current hairstyles which you can try, which will help to draw attention away from any early-onset hair loss and help improve your self-image.
These include the buzz cut, which means giving your hair a close shave and is often considered to be a style which can emphasise your masculinity. Another popular look is the mohawk, which cuts the hair short at the temples and forehead, where the hairline typically first starts to recede. A short textured or layered cut will achieve a similar effect.
If you decide that you want to address your hair loss, trichologists at The London Centre of Trichology can advise you on the best solution for you. Your initial men’s hair loss consultation will be free. An accurate diagnosis is the starting-point. We offer a range of treatments to help reduce hair loss among younger men, as well as hair replacement treatments, both surgical and non-surgical.
Click on the link to contact us and arrange a consultation. Alternatively call us on 020 3638 2283 / 07492 368490 or email us on We work with men of all ages, and we are a leading name in the field of female hair loss treatments too.